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Дата12.03.2008 21:16:30Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность; Спецслужбы;Версия для печати

теория тут

по английски

Брайен Массуми книгу про это дело написал.

Тут изложена идея. Управление обывателем через подкорку,минуя слова и сознание. Через оттенки страха.
Fear (The Spectrum Said)

Brian Massumi
n March 2002, with much pomp, the Bush administration’s new Department of Homeland Security introduced its color-coded terror alert system: green, “low”; blue, “guarded”; yellow, “elevated”; orange, “high”; red, “severe.” The nation has danced ever since between yellow and orange. Life has restlessly settled, to all appearances permanently, on the redward end of the spectrum, the blue-greens of tranquility a thing of the past. “Safe” doesn’t even merit a hue. Safe, it would seem, has fallen off the spectrum of perception. Insecurity, the spectrum says, is the new normal.

The Atmosfear of Terror.Affective Modulation and the War on Terror
13Affective modulation in the Australian context relies on the regenerative capacity of fear, in Massumi’s terms its “ontogenetic powers” (45) to create an ever-present threat and maintain fear as a way of life. The introduction of a range of counter-terrorism strategies, internal-security measures, legislative amendments and policies, often without public consultation and timed to coincide with “new” terror alerts is testimony to the affective machinations of the Australian government in its response to the war on terror.